Monday, June 2, 2008

Tips & Tricks: Lifehacker

Sure, I get information overload too. But I like it that way than have a blank brain. Anyways, I head on to Lifehacker to get more than the caffeine high. It's a portal for many (read: absolutely numerous!) tips and tricks. It goes from being technical to being a DIY's haven. Enough said, I digg the links on most of its posts.

It is displayed blog-style and you always get the freshest advice out there. Don't forget the comments too. Some of them are worth more than the actual posts. Thanks to an interactive web. Lifehacker is going to outlive your monitors!

For today, I give Lifehack: *****

NB: Of course I always rate my picks of the day 5 stars! I just love how it is seen.

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