Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Online Hard Drive: Box

I'm dying to get my hands on an ASUS eee. A few people are discouraging me to buy one because of the miniscule memory and lack of optical drive. I really don't care. I just want it fit my small-ish tote bag. It's not like advertising that I have a laptop. Anyways, if I want memory, I can always buy an external drive, flash drive or have a virtual drive. Tsk, tsk.

For many years, Box has securely stored my files online. although the limited memory can be daunting, I have managed to wisely select and prune my files. Very obsessive-compulsive about it. This online hard drive delivers perfectly, thank you. Sharing and collaboration? Not a problem. It keeps account members updated with its productivity tools by partnering with promising sites that offer mobile/online features. Thanks to Box, I have managed to survive a few re-formats without twitching my eyes.

For today, I give Box: ***** for sanity saved.

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